
Welcome to Deep Health Club

Where we understand that health is wealth, extending far beyond the surface-level

We acknowledge that being in good deep health encompasses multiple dimensions. Our aim is to guide you on a transformative journey towards unlocking your full potential and achieving optimal health in all aspects of your life.

– Jari Lievens

What is deep health?

A good deep health is the state of being in sync across all dimensions of your well-being. It goes beyond physical appearances and performance. It encompasses how you think, respond, solve problems, and engage with the world around you. Deep Health Club is dedicated to helping you achieve this state of harmonious well-being by integrating the essential elements of deep health.

At Deep Health Club, we understand the profound impact of human connection on our overall well-being. We prioritise the nurturing of meaningful relationships, fostering genuine connections, and cultivating a supportive social network. Within our community, we create a space where authentic interactions thrive, mutual support is encouraged, and experiences are shared.

We also recognise the significance of finding purpose and meaning in life, which is why we place great emphasis on the existential aspect of well-being. Through our guidance and support, we help you explore and discover your values, passions, and goals, empowering you to live a life aligned with your true essence. By engaging in introspection, self- discovery, and personal growth, we enable you to create a meaningful and fulfilling existence.

At Deep Health Club, we believe that a healthy mind forms the foundation of overall well- being. To cultivate mental resilience, promote positive thinking, and manage stress, we offer a range of tools and techniques. We encourage practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection to foster a calm and focused mindset, ultimately enhancing your mental well-being.

Physical vitality is another vital component of our approach to deep health. Our team of expert trainers and fitness specialists creates customised exercise programs tailored to your unique needs and goals. By advocating for a balanced approach, which includes a combination of movements, strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and genuine rest, we aim to improve your fitness levels, increase your energy, and enhance your overall physical health.

Furthermore, we firmly believe in the interconnectedness of our health with the environment. Deep Health Club promotes sustainability and highlights the significance of clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment for optimal well-being. We offer guidance on eco-conscious practices and encourage conscious choices that support both personal and planetary health.

Emotional well-being is an integral part of deep health, and we prioritise creating a safe and supportive environment for emotional expression, personal growth, and self-care. Our team of experts provides counselling, coaching, and therapeutic approaches to help you effectively navigate and manage your emotions. By promoting resilience and emotional balance, we aim to support your overall well-being.

At Deep Health Club, our holistic approach to well-being encompasses relational connections, existential fulfilment, mental resilience, physical vitality, environmental consciousness, and emotional well-being. We invite you to join our community and embark on a transformative journey towards deep health.


Being connected and authentic with others. Feeling supported and like you “belong”.


Feeling a sense of meaning and purpose in life.


Being alert, focused, competent and thoughtful. Learning, remembering and solving problems well

The elements of deep health


Feeling vibrant, energized and thriving. Performing and functioning well.


Knowing that our health is interconnected with out environment.


Experiencing a full range of emotions and being able to expressing them appropriately.

At Deep Health Club, we believe that by working together we can achieve remarkable results. We’re actively seeking to join forces and collaborate with health practitioners, advisers, legal professionals and individuals.

Unleashing the Power Within for Optimal existence. Through personalised guidance, we explore the dimensions of deep health.
Together, we create sustainable lifestyle changes.

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