
About Jari  |  Collaborations

Deep Health Club

A place where we strive to unleash the power within for optimal existence

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive approach to health that goes beyond superficial measures and encompasses all dimensions of well-being. We believe that health is wealth, and in order to live an optimal life, it is essential to improve your deep health.

So, what exactly is deep health? Deep health is a state of being in sync across all aspects of your well-being. It goes beyond physical appearances and performance and includes how you think, respond, solve problems, and engage with the world around you. At Deep Health Club, we are dedicated to helping you achieve this state of harmonious well-being by integrating the essential elements of deep health.

Our approach at Deep Health Club revolves around six key dimensions: relational, existential, mental, physical, environmental, and emotional.

In the relational dimension, we emphasise the importance of nurturing meaningful relationships, fostering genuine connections, and cultivating a supportive social network. We believe that human connection is vital for overall well-being, and through authentic interaction and shared experiences, we create a space for mutual support and personal growth.

The existential dimension acknowledges the significance of finding purpose and meaning in life. At Deep Health Club, we help you explore and discover your values, passions, and goals, enabling you to live a life aligned with your true essence. Through introspection, self-discovery, and guidance, we empower you to create a meaningful and fulfilling existence.

A healthy mind forms the foundation of overall well-being, which is why we focus on the mental dimension. Deep Health Club offers tools and techniques to cultivate mental resilience, promote positive thinking, manage stress, and enhance cognitive function. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and self-reflection are encouraged to foster a calm and focused mindset.

The physical dimension recognises the importance of physical vitality. Our expert trainers and fitness specialists design customised exercise programs tailored to your unique needs and goals. We advocate for a balanced approach, combining movements, strength training, cardiovascular exercises, and genuine rest to improve fitness, increase energy levels, and enhance overall physical health.

The environmental dimension emphasises the interconnectedness of our health with the environment. Deep Health Club promotes sustainability and the significance of clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment for optimal well-being. We provide guidance on eco-conscious practices and encourage conscious choices that support both personal and planetary health.

Lastly, emotional well-being is an integral part of deep health. We provide a safe and supportive environment for emotional expression, personal growth, and self-care. Our team of experts offers counselling, coaching, and therapeutic approaches to help you navigate and manage emotions effectively, promoting resilience and emotional balance.

At Deep Health Club, we are committed to being the go-to website for improving your deep health. We aim to guide you on a transformative journey, providing the tools, resources, and support you need to unlock your full potential and achieve optimal health in all aspects of your life. Join us on this empowering path towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled existence at Deep Health Club.

About Jari

Hello, I’m Jari Lievens, 
a certified nutritionist and personal trainer.

My journey has been transformative. I’ve transitioned from a destructive lifestyle to one focused on healing. From unintentionally causing harm to intentionally helping others. From a place of despair to a desire for a long and healthy life.

I founded Deep Health Club with the intention of making a greater impact in today’s world. I noticed that there was rarely a place that covered all aspects of health instead of just focusing on one thing or another. I believe that in order to live an optimal life and reach your fullest potential, improving your deep health is crucial. Whatever you aspire to achieve in life, without optimal deep health, you may fall short of realising your true potential.

We are all on unique and individual paths, therefor we need an approach that can help everybody making this transforming journey a great success.

I firmly believe in taking charge of my health and well-being. It is my foremost responsibility to optimise my physical and mental state, aiming for a life filled with vitality, happiness, and fulfilment. By actively prioritising my deep health, I not only benefit myself but also have the potential to create a ripple effect that extends to those around me and even on a global scale. My commitment to living a healthy lifestyle goes beyond preventing illness and aging; it encompasses a proactive approach to nurturing my overall wellness.

Be your own hero, embrace the potential within and create a life that reflects your true self. This mindset, coupled with determination, opens up a world of possibilities.

Join me on this journey of optimising our deep health, because that’s what truly makes life worth living. 


At Deep Health Club, we believe that by working together, we can achieve remarkable results. Health and well-being are multifaceted aspects of our lives, and we understand that a collaborative approach can make a significant impact. That’s why we’re actively seeking to join forces and collaborate with health practitioners, advisers, legal professionals, and individuals who align with the dimensions of the Deep Health Club.

Deep Health Club is more then just a business it’s a community dedicated to exploring the depths of health, embracing holistic approaches, and fostering meaningful connections. We understand that health is not limited to physical fitness alone; it encompasses mental, emotional, relational, environmental and existential as well. By addressing these dimensions collectively, we can unlock our true potential and lead fulfilling lives.

We invite health practitioners from various disciplines all around the world to partner with us. Whether you’re a physician, nutritionist, therapist, fitness expert, or any other professional in the health and wellness field, we recognise the value you bring to the table. By collaborating with us, you’ll have the opportunity to share your knowledge, expertise, and unique perspective with our community.

Advisers and legal professionals are also an integral part of the Deep Health Club. If you possess valuable insights in areas such as alternative medicine, mindfulness practices, stress management, sustainable living consulting, financial advisers or legal matters related to deep health, we would love to connect with you. Your guidance can help our members navigate their health journeys more effectively and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

We believe that collective wisdom and collaboration lead to innovation and progress. By joining forces with us, you’ll be part of a vibrant network of like-minded individuals passionate about deep health. Together, we can foster a supportive environment that encourages growth, learning, and transformation.

If you’re a interested in becoming a part of the Deep Health Club community, we invite you to reach out to us. Let’s collaborate, share knowledge, and create a positive impact on the lives of others. Together, we can accomplish more and pave the way for a healthier and happier future.

Join the Deep Health Club today and embark on a journey of holistic well-being, where collaboration and synergy unlock unlimited potential!

La Torre

La torre will be the heart of our company, located in the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees. La Torre is not only a quality accommodation but will also be used for events and retreats.   




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